Subsidies for the improvement of energy efficiency in homes


Actions or works to improve energy efficiency in dwellings, whether single-family or belonging to buildings of collective residential typology in which (one or several of the three options) are achieved:

  • Una reducción de la demanda energética anual global de calefacción y refrigeración de al menos el 7%

  • Una reducción del consumo de energía primaria no renovable (∆Cep.nren) de al menos un 30%, ambas referidas a la calificación energética.

  • >A reduction in non-renewable primary energy consumption (∆Cep.nren) of at least 30%, both referred to the energy rating.

  • Thermal envelope improvement (roofs, facades, openings)

  • Improvement in energy efficiency of installations (heating, cooling, sanitary hot water). Investment in thermal generators that use fossil fuels will not be eligible for subsidy.

  • Use of renewable energies (self-consumption, air conditioning, domestic hot water).


  • Owners, usufructuaries or lessees of dwellings, whether natural persons or legal entities.

Grant amounts

  • Maximum % of subv. cost 40 %.

  • Maximum amount per dwelling 3,000 €.

Eligible costs (works, professional fees, management and administrative expenses).

  • Expenses include VAT when non-refundable.

  • Compatible with any other public aid for the same purpose, provided that the total cost of the actions is not exceeded and provided that the regulation of the other aid, whether national or European, admits it.

Applicant requirements:

  • When they are legal entities, they must be duly constituted, according to the applicable regulations.

  • When the person is the lessee of the dwelling, he/she must have the authorization of the owner to carry out the actions that are the object of the request.

  • The dwellings for which financing is requested must be the habitual and permanent residence of the owners, usufructuaries or lessees at the time of the application for the subsidy.the owners, usufructuaries or lessees at the time of the application for the subsidy.

  • Energy efficiency certificate of the dwelling in its current state (prior to the start of the eligible actions), registered in the Andalusian Energy Certificates Registry.

  • Eligible expenditures must have been incurred after February 1, 2020.

Application and documentation:

  • Request. Form Annex I(Until June 30, 2023)

  • Allegations/Acceptance and submission of documents Formulario Anexo II(10 días desde notificación)

  • Express acceptance, with its attachments (15 days from notification)

    • – Applicant's data and, if applicable, accreditation of representation.

    • – If applicable, agreement on the designation of a person or entity as Rehabilitation Agent or Manager.(Formulario Anexo III).

    • –Documentation accrediting the ownership of the property and, if applicable, lease contract and agreement between the owner and lessee.

    • – Responsible declarations of compliance with requirements.

    • – Data on the housing object of action

    • – Type of action. Project of the action to be carried out or, if applicable, a justification report signed by a competent technician.

    • – Favorable assessment of "no significant harm to the environment" (DNSH).

    • – Certificate of energy efficiency of housing in its current registered state, indicating the tool used.

    • – Energy efficiency certificate obtained indicating initial primary energy consumption or initial demand and the expected consumption after the performance.

    • – Supporting documents for eligible costs related to professional fees and other expenses.

    • – Application and/or urban planning license or similar municipal authorization.

    • – Photographic report of the state prior to the actions.

  • Energy efficiency certificate of the dwelling in its current state (prior to the start of the eligible actions), registered in the Andalusian Energy Certificates Registry.

  • Eligible expenses must have been incurred after February 1, 2020.