Help Center




    Los datos personales que nos ha facilitado serán tratados de forma confidencial y quedarán will be incorporated into the corresponding processing activity owned by our company.
    We request those essential data to attend your request, to invoice if you make a purchase or contract, or to maintain a relationship with you if you purchase or contracting or to maintain the relationship with you in case you request it or when we are obliged or when we are obliged to do so in order to provide you with the services and/or attend your purchases on this website. purchases on this website.


    Your personal data will be processed for the sole purpose of fulfilling your requests, whether you are a customer, supplier, user of our website or job applicant. customer, supplier, user of our website or job applicant.
    We do not send advertising without the user's prior consent.


    The processing of your data is carried out on the following bases:

    • Your request for information, application for employment and/or contracting of our services and/or purchase of products. our services and/or purchase of products.
    • The free, specific, informed and unequivocal consent, since we inform you about the present privacy policy, that after reading it and being in agreement, you can accept by checking the boxes provided for this purpose.
    You may change your mind at any time and withdraw your consent.
    In the event that the user is under 14 years of age or incapacitated, it will be necessary to have the consent of the parents, guardians or legal parents, guardians or legal representative to process the user's data. The user is solely responsible for the accuracy of the data he/she sends us.


    Our entity has implemented all the technical and organizational measures necessary to protect the personal data protect the personal data processed, avoiding its loss, theft or unauthorized use.
    These measures are periodically verified in our compliance controls with specific regulations. specific regulations.


    The personal data provided will be retained for the time necessary to fulfill the purpose for which they are collected and to determine the purpose for which they are collected and to determine the possible liabilities that may arise from the purpose. may arise from the purpose for which they were collected.
    In the case of job applications, the data will be kept for a maximum period of 1 year or until the data subject requests us to delete the data. until the person concerned asks us to delete his or her data.


    You have the right to know if our entity is processing your personal data; therefore, you have the right to access your data, rectify it if it is inaccurate or request its removal. Therefore, you have the right to access your data, rectify it if it is inaccurate or request its deletion when it is no longer deletion when the data is no longer necessary.
    You may also exercise your right of opposition, limitation or portability if you deem it convenient. you deem convenient and to do so you can do it in writing by e-mail to attaching a copy of your ID to identify you.


    We do not create profiles using your personal data, but if we do, we will inform you and ask your permission to do so. will be informed and asked for permission to do so.
    You also have the right to object to this type of processing at any time. at any time.


    Your personal data will not be transferred to other countries or third parties except in cases where there is a legal obligation. where there is a legal obligation.
    In case of purchase of products or contracting of services, your personal data may be disclosed to those entities necessary for the be transferred to those entities necessary to deliver the purchased products or provide our services. provide you with our services.
    Our bank will know your data for the management of the collection of products or services, as well as the persons in charge of the necessary treatment for the execution of the contracts and/or purchases. and/or purchases.
    In the case of transfers to other entities or to other countries, we will inform you and request your prior consent. your prior consent.